A CTL Model Checker for Sequential Programs



Quick Start






We show a short guide to run PuMoC in Linux.

Emptiness problem of Alternating Buechi Pushdown Systems.

Download PuMoC and run the following commands from the directory containing PuMoC.tgz.

tar -zxvf PuMoC.tar.gz

cd PuMoC


Now, you can evaluate an example: ./PuMoC -l2 test/quick start.abpds.

Here -l2 specifies checking the emptiness of the alternating Buechi pushdown system quick start.abpds. The following figure shows the results.

CTL model-checking For Pushdown Systems.

Hereafter, we assume that PuMoC has been installed in your computer and in the directory PuMoC. You can evaluate an example:

./PuMoC -l1 test/quick start.pds 'AG(p->EF q)'

Here -l1 specifies CTL model-checking for pushdown systems, 'AG(p->EF q)' specifies the CTL formula AG(p->EF q).

Or, You can evaluate an example:

./PuMoC -l1 -f test/quick start.pds test/quick start.ctl

Here -f specifies reading the CTL formula from the file test/quick start.ctl. Results are shown in the following figure.

CTL model-checking for Pushdown Systems with Regular Valuations.

You can evaluate an example:

./PuMoC -l1 test/quick start.pds 'AG(p->EF (q&& #.|l1|l2|.*# ))'

Here #.|l1|l2|.*# specifies a regular predicate (regular valuations).|l1|l2|.*, where

The option -f reads the CTL formula from a file. Results are shown in the following figure.

CTL model-checking for Boolean Programs.

You can evaluate an example:

./PuMoC -l1 -f -b test/quick start.bp test/bp.ctl

Here -b specifies CTL model-checking for the boolean programs test/quick start.bp. Note that, the option -l1fb has the same function as the option -l1 -f -b. Results are shown in the following figure.

CTL model-checking for C Programs.

First, you have to install Satabs. Satabs is in the directory Satabs of PuMoC. Using Satabs, you can translate a C program into a boolean program from the directory PuMoC

./Satabs/satabs Satabs/lock.c --save-bps

Using the option --save-bps, satabs translates the C program Satabs/lock.c taken from Satabs into a boolean program at the directory PuMoC called satabs.1.bp. Now, you can model-check the boolean program satabs.1.bp as above.

CTL model-checking for Java Programs.

To do CTL model-checking for Java Programs. First download and install JimpleToPDSolver by the following commands. JimpletoPDSolver transforms Java programs into pushdown systems with use/def informations.

tar xzf jimpletopdsolver.tgz

cd JimpleToPDSolver

ant compile


./JimpleToPDSolver -f javaprogram.pds "<examples.javaprogram: void main(java.lang.String[])>"

JimpletoPDSolver translates the javaprogram into the pushdown system javaprogram.pds. Now, you can model-check the pushdown system javaprogram.pds.

Copyright © 2011-2012 LIAFA, University of Paris Diderot and CNRS.